Note that Critical Theory is much older than Critical Race Theory. Critical Theory got its start in the 1930s; Critical Race Theory came along 30 years later (via Critical Legal Studies). I wouldn't assume that TaraElla is including it because the intellectual linkage is somewhat tenuous.
Regarding postmodernism, the problem is not humility but arrogance masquerading as humility. That is, rather than being willing to do the hard work of adopting techniques that reduce bias and the impact of perspective, they dismiss such careful work as still tainted by perspective while making truth-claims that they want considered equal despite having not done the work.
So fundamentally I agree with TaraElla's characterization--I would go farther actually, and not just criticize postmodernism as applied to critical theory, but all postmodernism: not because there isn't a grain of truth, but because people dump in a whole cup instead of sprinkling lightly, and ruin the whole soup.