Oh come on--I've given you and continue to give you every bit as much consideration as anyone else, even when you make poor arguments, even when you put words in my mouth while insisting I not put them in yours, even when you claim you have data to prove your side but I come up with data and you don't--this is all eminently human stuff. You're far from the only person who I've gotten this less-than-ideal treatment from--but like with them, I assume you're a mature adult who can handle a bit of criticism when I think you're getting things wrong. From what I can tell (I am in large part taking your word on this), you are trying to make and have made substantial positive contributions, and I value that. I think you and your family should be safe, have the opportunity to fully develop your potentials, and have satisfying lives.
I am not going to treat you, nor have I treated you, as a divinity and worship you, or take your ideas as infallible. I'm not going to take you as my commanding officer, wherein when I make a point and you want to change the topic, I follow your orders and abandon what I wanted to say and go with what you bring up instead.
I'm not going to treat you, nor have I treated you, as stupid and childish, unable to think and argue but only able to react emotionally to the most plain and obvious stimuli, needing to be told by authority figures what to do and how to act.
I'm happy to offer advice, one human to another, about how to make things better: If you don't like how TaraElla uses the word woke, don't read her articles. In a diverse society, everyone has to come to terms with the fact that what is sacred to them might be profane to someone else. Out of respect for your preference, I have not been using "woke" to describe the postmodern critical theory influenced illiberal left. If, nonetheless, the continued use of the term elsewhere leaves you in genuine distress, or if my dislike of mob pressure leading to suicide and preference for a more orderly method of accountability somehow makes your life feel like "a living hell", I encourage you to find ways to safeguard your mental health. I think, from comments you've made elsewhere, that you have read The Coddling of the American Mind by Lukianoff and Haidt. If you currently possess a copy of the book, you can find on page 38 a list of cognitive habits that can lead to a distorted view of the world. Starting there might be an easy low-effort way to help check that the distress is not due to cognitive distortions--or if it is, but the distortions are unbidden and hard to resist, to remind yourself that there are efficacious methods to reduce this. If you aren't exaggerating for rhetorical effect, then I encourage you to reach out to people around you who care about you--leave us horrid dehumanizing internet demons alone for a while!--and see if they can help get you back to a more comfortable state of mind. Heck, even if you are exaggerating, and you're actually completely fine, it's always good to connect with loved ones.
If you want me to address your arguments--well, look, I do. You just make so many of them that I can't get to everything, and I prioritize the ones that seem the most blatantly wrong, or what seems most on-topic in context. If you want to focus my attention on a particular argument, do your part first: please make one argument, introducing it as a topic change if it is, and ask me to focus on that specifically.
In this last post you've made a huge number of separate claims, many of which I would contest. How do I know where to focus? You span the gamut from charging that TaraElla hates you and is terrorizing you (despite the fact that she's hardly interacted with you at all and argues against the side that is explicitly against you more strongly than she argues against anyone else), through equating lethal police misconduct or vigilante killing with cancel culture (despite one being misconduct of individual or small groups of authorities and the other being mob justice) and statements that educated black people are killed every single day and it's deemed okay (I'm not sure what you count as in bounds for being "killed" and what counts as "deemed okay" so I can't even be sure what you're claiming but it seems highly overstated even if there is a trend in that direction), to the idea that inequality in school funding is driven by white conservatives (sans evidence, despite me providing documentation that it's worst in Democratic states; you try to bolster your claim by stating how state school funding is structured, except that I happen to know that this characterization is true for California which you give as an example but inaccurate in general), and so on. I can't get to everything because when there is a disagreement (and we disagree about a lot), unless we devote a good deal of space and evidence to explore to what extent each of our perspectives is aligned with reality, we'll just end up disagreeing at the end as well as the beginning. What's the point of that?
Anyway, in conclusion: I hope you make safeguarding your mental health a top priority. This is really important. If and when you feel like things are okay enough to be disagreed with on the basis of evidence, feel free to ask me focused questions about why I do or don't agree with one particular claim, and I'll do my best to get to it. If we get through that one, I'm happy to try to tackle another. I can't handle the tidal wave, though.