Oh good grief, you quoted the surgical regret rate for everyone, not the detransition rate for children which is what you cited before! Lexi's review gives 4%. All small numbers, but if you're going to bother to state a number, at least pay enough attention to state the right one!
I'm not sure what "agree to disagree" is supposed to mean. If you want me to stop bugging you, sure, I agree to stop bugging you; we can leave disagreements unresolved.
If you mean that reasonable people can disagree on the topic of what our best estimates in the scientific literature are of, say, youth detransition rates, while there is some variability there, you're outside of "reasonable" into "cherry-picking what I like" and/or "placing undue faith in an expert on 'my side' who has been cherry-picking what they like", and I don't agree that this is a sensible way to understand the world, persuade people, or have a reality-based discussion.
But yes, I'll quit bugging you on this topic (save for one more comment about Flo, on the other thread, since you seem to value her perspective highly).