Oh good heavens--firstly it was laced with sarcasm, which is hardly nice unless your only other frame of reference is a profanity-laden rant (if that was "trying" I sure didn't notice and/or would hate to see what "not trying" looks like!), and secondly, I directly addressed what you said but you were apparently too obdurate to even notice, let alone formulate a cogent reply.
Homework for you: see if you can come up with two appropriate reasons for me (or you!) to use ChatGPT or another LLM with high scores on language tasks in this kind of context. You're supposedly in tech, so I bet you can do it! I believe in you!
Finally, I didn't even reply to your article directly; you injected yourself into the conversation about it, which is fine, but I'm hardly "wasting everyone else's time" or "derailing the point of the original article". It doesn't even appear on the main comment feed (it's buried), it wasn't originally addressed to you, and anyone who doesn't find effective verbal persuasion an interesting topic--when reading an article that is supposedly trying to persuade people to do something--is entirely free to skip reading it.