Oh really? Let's see it.
Here's a piece of evidence for my perspective: https://www.statista.com/statistics/184259/mean-earnings-by-educational-attainment-and-ethnic-group/
In case you don't see it at a glance: overall, 40% higher mean income for whites than blacks. But in each educational category, save "Professional Degree" (<4% of the population), there is a disparity but far lower (10-30%, with most around 15-20%). More education = good. More education = lower disparity. Not counting for feedback effects and the substructure of the data, a simple reading is that lack of education(al attainment) is literally half the problem.
More education = complete fix? Income = everything that matters? No. But "dramatically better"? Yeah.
If you're so sure improving education is "complete BS" maybe you wanna get these folks to quit their pointless (actually: amazing!) endeavor: https://hcz.org/
(P.S.: anyone reading who thinks improving education is NOT complete BS--check out HCZ if you haven't yet!)