Oh what rubbish! Hatred and intolerance don't cause any of those things.
Plagues are exacerbated by openness and travel. If we had a lot more hatred and intolerance, the chance of plague would decrease.
Natural disasters are caused by physical phenomena that are not responsive to human emotions like hatred or intolerance. Hatred and intolerance can lead us to unfairly place some people in particularly vulnerable zones, which is horrible for them, but won't wipe us out because the ones doing the placing saved the low-risk places for themselves (that is the whole point--you don't go, "Oh, I'm going to use my hatred and intolerance to make sure I go live on top of a fault line in poorly-constructed buildings along with all the people I hate!").
Fires are made worse by a drying, warming climate, and by poor vegetation management, the latter of which could be exacerbated by hatred and intolerance. But--same as with other natural disasters, it's not going to get nearly all of us.
Floods are made worse in some areas by climate change in part because the increased net energy input allows slightly more vaporization of water, but mostly because the changed net energy flux alters weather patterns, leading to increased rain in places that aren't adapted to it and where people don't expect floods. (Everyone who lives near one knows not to build in the bottom of an arroyo.) Again, hatred and intolerance do not affect anything.
The one thing that hatred and intolerance do directly impact? Why...our willingness to use nuclear weapons on each other. Hatred and intolerance is very, very dangerous.
So this is exactly backwards. Poetic or not, it's just incredibly wrong. I don't think being so incredibly wrong is a good step towards putting our heads together to address climate change (which I agree does need to happen).
Also, the scale of the natural disasters you seem to be envisioning are totally off-base. For a discussion of the actual scale of the (very worrying) changes to the natural environment and the dangers they may cause, please refer to the IPCC AR6 WG2 report: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/. The entire purpose of this document is to predict the types of threats caused by changing climate, and discuss how and whether they can be mitigated.