Oh, you meant historically, not presently. Hm. That could be. One can't claim that everything about Hitler's rule was a disaster--he was a decently competent totalitarian, which extended to improving a lot of things in Germany...it's just that the downsides were so ghastly as to completely overwhelm the positives, but the positives were more immediately apparent, especially if you were ideologically blinded. And of course, what do Progressives go for but the new thing that results in an improved society?
These days, however, the American right seems to have the only remaining pool of support for Naziism in the United States, don't you think?
(Political Pilgrims sounds interesting--I should read it.)
I think you're right (and it's quite ironic) that critical justice types end up with racial essentialism. It's not pure racial essentialism like with Naziism ("races aren't equal and can never be"), because there's a twist. Premise 1: races are equal. Premise 2: one wicked race declared that races aren't equal, and socially constructed inequality. Premise 3: social constructs are real with real consequences. Premise 4: you can't change the social construct around race. Conclusion: races aren't equal and can never be.
Despite this, they absolutely loathe Nazis. So trying to pin Hitler-worship on them is pretty silly. Stalin, occasionally. Hitler, pretty much never. (These days, now that Naziism is a known quantity and is viewed as regressive.)