Okay, but when the Boomers were the age that Millennials are now, how respected were they? (Hint: look up some old media coverage of, say, the free speech protests in the 60s, or coverage of "hippies".)
And then, when Boomers got older, but Gen Xers were the age that Millennials are now, how respected were they?
And when Millennials get to the age that, say, GenXers are now, and everyone's eyes are on how Gen Z is supposed to be all grown up and making everyone proud, and they're not in the way that GenXers and Millennials intuit is the right way to do things, how respected will they be?
Is there really anything going on aside from a standing pattern of ageism (old fart = bad, respected established professional = good, fun-loving lazy adult-in-name-only = bad, ohh the cute little ones they grow so fast = good), through which different named groups flow as they get older?