People generally find partnerships to work better when they're not monetarily transactional.
Maybe women who live in a house bought by men should pay rent? That's going to be $14 to wash a load of socks, dude. Hey baby I'll listen to how you had a hard day today, just venmo me $16.45.
Maybe this doesn't seem quite as distasteful to you as it does to most people--you do say you're neurodivergent, and cues like this which provoke emotional distance and exploitative transactionalism over love are often less salient or absent for neurodivergent people.
But, really, you'd better know about it.
Also, unrelatedly, you both take a jab at straight white men and say you're an DEI director. It's this kind of thing that gives DEI a bad name as institutionalized bigotry. You might consider picking one rather than putting them in apposition.