People hate hypocrisy. Isn't this, therefore, the most obvious thing in the world--you have a group actually being subjected to a non-negligible level violence along with a lot of very scary-sounding sentiments, and yet the people who supposedly care so much about people feeling uncomfortable are all "Yeah whatever, it's all about free speech!"
So of course people are going to yell about that, and the people most likely to yell are the ones who thought the snowflake plan was foolish in general--but foolish and brazenly hypocritical is worse.
You also don't really address the culture of anti-Israel sentiment as indicative of some sort of -ism.
If you have murders, but you only show (particularly unappealing) mugshots of murderers who happen to be black, "I'm not racist, I'm just showing it like it is!" is a very thin excuse. It's not that murder isn't bad, it's that the differential treatment of murder when committed by different people reveals an underlying bigotry.
What about the Kurds--who is calling for Turkey (and Iraq and Iran and Syria) to be dismantled so the Kurds can be free?
So I definitely think Zionism as an idea should be critiqued. But the people who seem keenly attuned to issues of unequal coverage being indicative of racism and sexism and so on suddenly are all, "La la la, just telling the facts here, no bias at all, I just care about people so deeply and that's why I stand with Palestinians!"