Please enjoy your misapprehensions! I can no longer continue this conversation--it has wasted too much of my time, and is being conducted with insufficient intellectual integrity on your part.
I was very very very careful to clarify what was in bounds for Model B, and I used only that.
You said, and I quote, "Yes, I mean Newtonian. I am going with almost anything all the way up to (and including most if not all of) Einstein."
You said, and I quote, "In Model B, the Galactic structure is nothing like a 'simple' star system. The collective pulls, and it pulls any which way it can. The spot in the center has the strongest gravitational depression imaginable."
You said, yourself, directly, that Newtonian gravitation was okay. You said, yourself, directly, that the collective galactic structure pulls, from the outside, because for the black eye, "there is nothing there in weight".
These are all your own quotes.
I never used r=0. Never needed to. My smallest r was 25 million kilometers.
I never evaluated Model A. I only evaluated Model B.
The distribution of mass in the galaxy is all established using Newtonian physics, which is explicitly in-bounds for Model B.
That's why I kept asking.
Anyway, it's now abundantly clear that you do not have an interest in testing your ideas against reality, and I don't have interest myself in unconstrained fantasy.