Psst, don't do the "which political party does X" thing. The actions of the one party are bad enough to stand on their own. It's not any more okay if both sides do it. Nail them for the "involuntary relocation" euphamism and call it a day.
Besides, when you find out that the left does support the removal of certain books, just different ones, and wants to intervene in classroom content, just different content, you end up losing your argument. (Also, many of the central principles of CRT are taught in some places--don't fall for the left propaganda that it isn't, and no, it's not just about "teaching history", it's the stuff about intersectionality and identity groups and favoring narrative and focusing on the role of whites as oppressors. Core CRT stuff. Of course the right also invents stuff that isn't taught and isn't CRT, calls it CRT, and raises a stink about that. And half the so-called anti-CRT laws are actually anti-that-invented-stuff...but oddly it's often the left calling them "anti-CRT laws". Anyway, moral of the story is: once people start caring about their side winning too much, quality control goes way down.)