Rather than banning the whole book, can't one just put a sticker on the cover saying something like, "This book contains material that makes it sound like a routine, only modestly uncomfortable medical procedure that saves many lives is an act of agonizing torture. For information on what a pap smear is actually like for virtually everyone who has one, please refer to <some other source>."?
I mean, it might be nicer to Kobabe to not stock the book, but as a matter of principle, it's better to correct misinformation, and provide readers with a way to get more information, than it is to hide it.
Also, unrelatedly, if there was exactly one gender-neutral singular pronoun set (actually, we have two already, but people hate being called "it" in all contexts, and usually want to be concrete, not generic as "one" suggests) it would be fine, but it's rather ableist to assume that people can remember what they're supposed to use. A lot of people already have too much anxiety about remembering names, and we're trying to add more information to remember? Please! Didn't we already learn this lesson with Miss/Mrs/Ms--just pick the one that always works? (Except in that case Ms only kind of always works.)
Unless you wholeheartedly object to plural "you" and insist on "youse" or somesuch, and also object to generic "you" and insist on "one", I cannot really take seriously that singular "they" is that big a deal. Once you get over the expectation that "they" must be plural, it's almost always clear from context what's going on.