Sans evidence, this sounds like an unwarranted kind of cultural supremacy. Unwarranted cultural supremacy has been the cause of immense suffering over the past five hundred years, so I and all other compassionate people should be wary of more claims of the same nature.
Keep in mind that Europeans had a rich history of occupation, abuse, oppression, etc., that they had as a backdrop for their own expansion once they had the power to do so. And out they went, with gloriously compassionate words and deeds that absolutely did not match nearly often enough (though the humanitarian side is clearly evident in many places).
Anyway, nonetheless, if you want evidence-based preference for cultures (and, yes, some cultures are better for humans than others, especially given modern conditions and capabilities), go for it!
For example, Haiti has had black (though not really indigenous) leadership since 1804 and has the "depth" of slavery in its past. Ethiopia has never been colonized (it was temporarily defeated by Italy, but that was only a five-year stint). You can find almost everything in between if you look around. You should be able to find examples aplenty that bolster your claim.