So I suppose you're advocating for arming with non-dangerous items? To deal with neo-Nazis??
You seem very determined to misinterpret the point. (You also say I'm misrepresenting you, and then you say you mean exactly what I said you mean, so...???)
I think that there are times, and this might well be one of them, where individuals or groups might have to take extra measures to defend themselves. Let's be honest what that means: it means making oneself more dangerous.
However, everyone can observe the increased dangerousness--that is the point or being armed won't matter. But if you don't say why it was necessary, then people are free to imagine anything they want. And you know that the virulently anti-trans folks are going to put the worst spin on it they think they can get away with, which is extremely dangerous if it sounds plausible to the majority who you say isn't listening. That center is going to start listening for long enough to get some story in their heads if people start dying. Who ought to have a say in what that story is?
You might try, for instance, reading the Declaration of Independence and wonder why there even was one.