So, just to be clear, you're arguing in favor of Medium viewing this comment as incendiary misinformation and banning you for it? Or...what?
I understand that social media can be dangerous--the complicity of Facebook in the murder of the Rohingya is a really good example. Sri Lanka is another example where a social media ban probably helped save lives.
However, it still doesn't really address the question of the default attitude regarding whether there is merit to free speech on such platforms (on carriers: absolutely yes; on media: well, we've already accepted that we will give that up). To the extent that there are merits to free speech (within some limits), then Cory's argument deserves serious consideration.
I think we're somewhat talking past each other with corporate social responsibility and whatnot. I'm concerned first and foremost with the general principles. Once the principles are established, it's much easier to make sense of individual decisions like who should get fined for what or, whether Medium should feel it's their responsibility to curtail questionable (and highly negative) claims in your posts.