So keep providing evidence anyway, because the alternative is worse! Also, because different people read each time, and just because you’ve done it 1,000 times it doesn’t mean they’ve been exposed 1,000 times.
I see claims that evidence has been given “time and time again” many, many times without seeing any evidence. For instance, nobody ever linked that paper to me. I’ve seen it exactly zero times. Zero! I went and found it on my own. (I have, once, seen another paper on the topic linked from somewhere.)
Same thing with race relations, climate change, gun violence, you name it. People love claiming there is evidence but hate giving it. It’s EASY TO DO. At least as easy as replying, if you know your material. So it’s not credible that the reason not to do it is that it’s too boring or too much work and the other side (who cares less to look for such stuff!) knows it anyway.