Sorry! Yes, I will translate my sentence that "uses multiple clauses and embeddings to build a nuanced conditional argument"* into human for you.
You said there was no hate speech.
You said people weren't challenging identity politics. This kind of challenge doesn't have to be hate speech. But you didn't see any! So you don't have to worry about challenges like that.
This all sounds very agreeable.
But then you said you were blocking people!
Not just once. You were blocking "left and right"!
Why are you blocking agreeable people?
Why are you blocking agreeable people?
I hope this translation is suitable for consumption by humans. If you think this translation is also bad, I am sorry. I have trouble speaking human sometimes. But there is help! Large language models can understand me, and their speech is more human than mine. You can ask them about anything I say, and they almost always get it right! (I've checked! Many times!)
(* Quote from Gemini Advanced, 2024.11.19 update.)