Sure, but if land is available for sale or rent, you also shouldn't attack people who come because you don't like their religion and worry that if enough of them come, their right to self-determination will mean that things will change.
The parameters under which, "No, not you, go away!" is okay make interpreting these things as "rights" somewhat fraught.
Note that Palestinians have not had self-determination of that land for as long as Israelis have also not had self-determination. (Save for property rights, regional governmental leaders, etc..) It's been under Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, a Papal colony, Mamluk (Egyptian), Ottoman, and British rule.
I'm not sure "indigenous" really is a sensible concept in a part of the world that has had quite so many wars, migrations, invasions, expulsions, etc. etc..
But we can care about people who are around now and give appropriate respect to their wishes to organize their affairs and honor their history as they see fit.