Thank you for the thoughtful reply.
I of course have some differences of opinion about various things you said, but as we agree the conversation is past its best-before date, I'm content to leave things as they stand.
I would just like to add that if I were chatting over coffee in person with each individual I interact with on Medium, they'd have all sorts of additional cues like timing and facial expressions that help humanize the interaction and decrease the strength of stereotyping. It works fine; people tend to be more openminded in person. But online I have to live with how people tend to behave in this venue--and if you are different, it still doesn't change the others.
You don't want to consider the prestige associated with the person when you critique an idea, and I commend that. I make it easy for you, and everyone else, to live up to that ideal by speaking only a little about who I am, and a lot about the ideas themselves.