Thank you--this is clear and brief, and a good summary. You haven't said anything remotely novel to me (honestly, I'm not sure why you think I don't know at least this much?) except for the detailed examples that illustrate the point, but I've bookmarked the WEF link because it's a good intro and pretty well-referenced--that's something I'd like to have on-hand for the future.
I've read many of Elle's stories, and I'm sure I'll read more. The evidence-to-authority ratio there usually isn't very good, though, and I have a limited appetite for that.
If you think that society-level patriarchy is driving the Man Box, how do you account for the observation that the Man Box effect is twice as strong in the U.S. and the U.K. as in Mexico? If you just want to call Man Box attitudes an embrace of patriarchal ideals (in the aggressive dominance sense), sure, but that doesn't tell us anything about why men end up in that box or how to deal with their antisocial behavior once they are.