Thanks for the description! That is pretty close to how I was assuming you were using "whiteness".
It doesn't change my point. The term "woke" was appropriated by illiberal progressive opponents of what they call whiteness (and that "whiteness" seems fairly close to what you mean), and it gathered a negative connotation from the liberal (not neo-liberal, just liberal) reaction to the oppressive and hateful aspects of the illiberal progressive perspective, with the liberal pushback being essentially orthogonal to whiteness. It's only at the last step that the traditional bastion of "whiteness" got involved and added insult to the injury the term had already suffered. But to blame the last part alone is to miss the key step which was the first appropriation.
Now, if you want to charge the illiberal progressive outlook, despite it being responsible for the widespread use of the term whiteness and for the prominence of whiteness studies, as being "whiteness" as you describe it (it is, admittedly, didactic, deserving, and desirable in its own telling, and one can find many instances of deceit, especially if you include self-deceit), well, that's interesting. I haven't ever seen the tables turned quite that way.
The unexpected thing about your description of whiteness is that you say that the antidote consists mostly of standard liberal ideals, whereas most critiques of whiteness (not yours!) place liberal ideals as part of the problem.