That Fox "News" is filled with lies and propaganda that sells is, unfortunately, not news. I am not entirely sure how they manage to retain the title "News" without being sued for false advertising, but anyway, it's pretty much rubbish.
So I agree you often find--especially in opinion pieces, not that it's really possible to distinguish opinion from claimed-to-be-news on Fox--stuff of the sort you're claiming. It's not all you find on Fox, but there's certainly enough to be alarming.
However, what you're saying is CRT isn't CRT. You should actually read something about it, not just rely on the left-wing reporting on CRT which is not really reliable either.
CRT does not ask to tell the whole story. Instead, with its reliance on narrative, it asks you to tell alternative, biased stories. Not the whole story!
As a critical theory (and moreso now than when the first instances of it were written by Derrick Bell as Race Realism--which, incidentally, was starting on a path of a different intellectual tradition, Legal Realism (as opposed to Critical Legal Studies), which was interested in the whole story), Critical Race Theory really doesn't have much to say about objectivity and the-whole-picture and stuff like that. It's focused on power and injustice and questioning authority.
CRT is an approach towards racial justice and a set of tenets; its founders are happy for it to supplant earlier movements. Since the tenets of CRT do absolutely form the basis of ethnic studies in grade school in some locations, so it's not fair even by the standards of the originators of CRT to say it's not being taught in grade schools or high school.
Anyway, I recommend learning a bit more about the topic you're writing on before telling people who have done so that they're fools and idiots.
If you just want to blast Fox News and the more extreme and hateful positions you find reflected on there and in society, sure, go for it.
But as soon as you say something like "White America lives in a different reality", well, you're already off the path of reality yourself,either because you've defined "White America" in a way that makes your statement true but which doesn't deserve the title (because it's not a reflection of the views of white people in America), or because you are prejudicially stereotyping white Americans based on the idiocy of a portion of their number. And, you know, I don't think the approach of stereotyping an entire somewhat-arbitarily-defined-group on the basis of the actions of a moderate portion of the members leads anywhere good.