The flat-out teaching of CRT labeled as such isn't something I've found anywhere, but the Oregon Ethnic Studies curriculum for K-12 is very heavily influenced by the ideas of CRT. You can find basically all the common premises there as things to learn. The educational goals for grades seem often wildly unrealistic, and I have heard from teachers not in Oregon that they'd gotten guidelines for teaching stuff like that and basically had to ignore it because it couldn't be taught.
But it's flat-out misrepresentation to say that CRT isn't supposed to be taught in schools. If not, then you can't really say schools are supposed to teach physics, either. The key tenets are all there.
But nobody seems to notice, because the right is too busy screaming about how things that aren't CRT and aren't being taught are being taught, and the left is too busy denying that CRT is anything other than an obscure legal theory and simultaneously only about teaching accurate history (neither of which is really true) to notice either.