The synthesis you've given here sounds something like what I had inferred from your writing, though I'm not sure it's the standard feminist synthesis of this sort rather than your own, but I still appreciate hearing it stated as such!
I'm sure you're aware, however, that the cultural phenomenon goes way beyond "a handful of Tumblr feminists" and that one phrase. So, yes, I agree--those Tumblr feminists who use that phrase, taken alone, do not represent a societal trend comparable in impact to everything else taken together.
But who said they did?
If you're writing for a naive audience who isn't aware of the scope of the overall societal trend, or for a favorable audience who is likely to go "haha, so true", that might fly.
Anyway, if you're interested in understanding why I don't share most of your perspective I can explain, but again, if you'd rather just leave the matter here I can write my own article later if I'm motivated to do so.