Then why didn't you say that, instead of "when did I ever"? Your OP was not belligerent. Some of your later statements were, which is when I objected to the belligerence (of the later statements), quoting the offending statement so it should have been clear to what I was referring. That's what the quote feature is for.
I responded not to the OP, which had good points and was phrased non-belligerently given the level of detail you went into, but to your reported surprise at Avery's perception of male-bashing (which you restated as "man-bashing").
Avery, in turn, was reacting not to you directly but to Nigel, who said stuff like, "it seems the general perception is that Men are more of a problem than they are worth".
My point, which you have never seemed to understand, was that authors of studies have a choice in how to name things. The authors chose language that was bad at conveying their results accurately (they established an axis and called it a box!), but was catchy and also good at bashing. You didn't particularly use it for bashing yourself in the OP because you took the time to explain what the terminology meant. But it is part of the trend that Avery was noticing.