There are tests for it (hormone testing usually gives a pretty good idea), but if there aren't any tests triggered by it, then I'm not sure why the doctor is asking.
HRT is contraindicated these days unless needed to treat serious side-effects of perimenopause and/or menopause, due to documented increased risks for stroke, heart disease, dementia, and the like, but it might have been left over from when HRT was thought to be an unalloyed benefit. It's often the case in medicine that habits are established to support an incorrect understanding of what constitutes good care; then when we learn more, nobody bothers re-evaluating the habits.
My knowledge is patchy, though, not comprehensive. This is why I stressed that one should be well-informed before making that decision. If you know that there really isn't anything, then great! Yael can divulge or not divulge the information without concern. (However, it would be wise for her to take neither my nor your word for it, and investigate the matter for herself to her own satisfaction, if she has not. Likewise for anyone reading either of our comments.)