This advice is sorely needed by pretty much every social justice effort these days. I still find it hard to come to terms with how badly the United States squandered the immense outpouring of outrage over George Floyd's death.
It could have been the impetus for sizable criminal justice reform that would have made a big positive difference in the lives of many thousands or even millions of people. Instead, there was a baseball-bat-style slogan, insults when people said the slogan didn't seem practical (Of course if the slogan plainly says X, we don't mean X! What kind of stupid are you? It means Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, re-envisioning society and justice, and a pony), and pretty much everything just faded away.
The troll flamewar approach to advancing a legislative agenda just doesn't work. Unless you're Ron de Santis, I suppose. Usually Texas is the state that goes crazy ("Texas: the America of America."), but Florida has it beat this time. Yes, people are tired of being beaten with a baseball bat, but this seems an absurd overreaction, unless they hit John Wick's dog.