This is a wonderful article! It's uncommonly thoughtful and thought-provoking, and calls on all to be better people. You are in very rare and very good company in that regard!
The power of racism is akin to the power of the One Ring. With immense effort of will, we try to cast it aside. And then--so precious!--we pick it up again, vowing to use it only for good, yes, only good things, precious! We only uses it to helps the ones we loves, yes precious, and to stop wickedness!
And then the hatred and evil starts again, first in hearts, and then, too often, in actions. We have no way to destroy this "ring" that emanates from our inner nature, but I hope dearly that we cast it away and do not pick it up again. Not to use it, just a little, oft in secret, as white supremacists and their sympathizers do; nor to put it on while declaring "but this isn't really using it because Sauron's not wearing it!" as the anti-"whiteness" folks do.