This is an even better example of your lack of nuance.
Meghan is (still) one of the most privileged people in the world. Her business, as a member of the Royal Family was to be talked about and scrutinized, in all the fair and unfair ways that plays out. Now she's a celebrity-as-celebrity (it's about her not about what she's doing, which is how you can tell the difference), whose job be talked about and scrutinized.
"Look at me! Look at me!" plus "Waaaah you said something mean about me! I'm a literal princess but I had to deal with some racism how so COULD YOU!" is not a tenable position.
If someone is on a let's-tear-down-every-prominent-black-figure kick, then yeah, absolutely, let's call them out on that. That is racism. But even then, criticizing a public figure whose role is to be a role model / target of criticism is not akin to calling for and enacting the extermination of the Jews or the murder and violent intimidation of blacks.
However, the kind of intense tribalism and extremism of thought you are modeling is dangerous if expressed widely. Neither ancestral nor personal suffering should render one immune from criticism; some extra understanding is in order, but not "you can wrong others and we're powerless to even comment".
This is not how you build a tolerant, accepting society. This is how you shatter it into jagged shards, with many people cut on the edges.