This is misinformation. Please stop spreading it. The literal textbook introducing the topic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (Delgado & Stefancic; 3rd ed: 2017) clearly positions Critical Race Theory as encompassing a society-wide transformation in how race and justice is considered. I don't have the book on me right now, but it is completely unambiguous, and its approach to topics are found in a variety of settings. For example, Delgado and Stefancic explicitly claim "whiteness studies" for CRT, and guess what field DiAngelo claims as her expertise?
Here's a particularly clear example of a school curriculum with topics and materials almost directly taken from widely-shared tenets of CRT (though teachers I've asked confirm my suspicion that many of the topics are impractical to cover at the grade levels listed):
That DeSantis, following the lead of Christopher Rufo, has decided to call some things that aren't CRT "CRT" doesn't mean that CRT isn't taught in schools. Just because there's an advanced version of something doesn't mean that you can't teach a simpler version in schools. Or do you think that schools do not teach physics?
It's entirely possible to object to the overreach of people like DeSantis without spreading misinfomation.
Misinformation doesn't counteract misinformation in a good way. It just creates a more deeply toxic stew of confusion.
You might argue that it's good to teach the things which are being taught, but that CRT isn't being taught is simply wrong.