This is pretty immature of you. You made a variety of false statements, I called you on it, and rather than accepting the correction you're going on about distortions and sham debates.
As a determined independent thinker once said, "GMAFB".
And you could not be more wrong about my intentions.
Do you think all these regressive "don't teach CRT" laws are coming up because you didn't scream at them loud enough? Because you didn't ignore their concerns hard enough or attack their character viciously enough?
I think attitudes like yours are tremendously destructive to actual progress towards racial equality, which in a democracy require in large part broad consensus in the population, and you don't get there by going out of your way to demonize people.
And I think they're tremendously detrimental to the task of coming up with good ways to make improvements because they reject differences in approach as if they are differences in goal, and thereby prevent evaluation of the merit of different options.
I strongly encourage you, once the transient displeasure of reading this wears down, to re-think whether your approach is as effective as you wish it to be.