This is unquestionably true for some people. Who else could the Proud Boys or Oathkeepers possibly follow?
But the way you state it, it sounds like you think it's true for all or most of Trump's followers. This seems hard to square with what people say in polls.
Over 50% of Republicans say it's very or somewhat important for their leaders to denounce White Nationalism (! But at the same time 70% of Republicans believe the Big Lie:
That means that at least 20% of Republicans want white nationalism condemned, while going along blindly with Trump's claims. It seems almost impossible for this to be motivated by white supremacy.
Furthermore, when you ask people what's most important, they say the economy--even among Republicans, only 14% choose a vaguely race-related issue (immigration...and some of that can be the law-and-order preference too):
Trump was getting a third of the Latino vote in some areas ( that's really hatred-based seeking of white supremacy and white privilege?
If you were to tell me that Trump has followers who are not brainwashed, and who are blinded by hatred, I'd be all--yeah, you tell 'em. "Very fine people on both sides" indeed. That's not what you say unless you're not trying to stay on the good side of the white supremacists.
But if you tell me this is generally the case for his followers, I think it requires a pretty strong argument (you provided no argument or evidence--just a statement of belief). It doesn't seem plausible, superficially.