Uh, hang on. I don't dispute that activists of various sorts do this.
But it's not just them. This has been the Christian playbook for like the last thousand plus years, using various flavors of "moral", with varying degrees of attentiveness to reality.
In fairly recent U.S. politics with the "moral majority", you have an exceptionally clear example of this--going so far as to put the moral claim as their title. And many of the most vocal members expressed avoidance of reality to a shocking degree, including denial of practically every branch of science (with logical contradictions waaaaay worse than JP's diversity-vs-equity thing which--good grief, that's not even a contradiction if you understand the terms, though it is an uncomfortable tension).
And the "big lie" crowd? Their claim is a moral one too--the election was stolen, the country is being driven to ruin, etc.. Evidence? Oh, the evidence is overwhelming. Everyone knows it. Just don't ask to see any of it at all, or pay any attention to the numerous failed lawsuits, and, um--hey, look over there! Hunter Biden's laptop was real!
So, anyway, there are groups whose intellectual insularity and feelings of moral superiority and pursuit of power cause problematic outcomes (e.g. Jan 6, which if not a threat to civilization at least was a blatant if modest-scale threat to democratic governance) and a significant divorce from reality (pizzagate, young earth creationism, etc.).
You make a poor case that modern feminists are worth even noticing in that regard, however, even if every claim of yours is true.
Maybe there are termites in the walls, and maybe they will eventually cause the house to fall, but when the house is on fire, the termites shouldn't be the top concern.