Universities as a rule don't fund studies, but the point that it's hard to get funding (because academics do control funding sources), and that it might not make you very popular at the university is pertinent anyway.
However, if you don't study something well enough, it's not like you magically know how big of an effect it has or which direction, etc. etc.. People do studies because it's hard to know otherwise.
So, I certainly accept anecdotes that seem to indicate that it's bad for some people because given individual variation in other areas it'd be surprising if it wasn't bad for some people. But you can also come up with plenty of anecdotes about how the traditional masculinity path is bad for some people.
So you can still ask: is this actually just plain bad or is it maybe even better than the alternative? Maybe there's a better attainable attitude to have. But "nobody's gonna study it" is no substitute for having multiple well-designed studies addressing the issue.