Well, I certainly don't agree that it's genocide.
Israel has the capacity to commit actual genocide. That would be hundreds of thousands dead in a matter of hours.
That they don't isn't because they can't, it's because they don't want to.
I also don't agree that "bombing and murdering 10,000 unarmed civilians" is a forthright description. You know full well that Hamas intentionally hides its weapons and people in places which are difficult to attack without killing civilians. Hamas also bears an enormous amount of responsibility for engaging in war without protecting civilians.
However, even given Hamas' ghastly brutality and their attempts to sacrifice as many Palestinian lives as possible to use as rhetorical weapons against Israel, I still think that the Israeli response is barbaric and horrible; a slower and more precise response was called for. The Israeli government also bears responsibility for policies (and injustices) that have allowed Hamas to retain and gain power.
It's a really terrible situation.
There is plenty of criticism to go around.
If you can't condemn Hamas, you are morally degenerate. If you can't condemn Israel's overreaction and aggravating policies, you are severely morally compromised.