Well, if a principled, reason-based, compassionate outlook, which is evident throughout basically everything I say (as long as one doesn't automatically demonize anyone who has a well-founded difference of opinion about how to achieve a more fulfilling life for everyone), is enough to raise warning flags for you, then the feeling is mutual.
People who cannot distinguish compassion from threat are themselves potentially dangerous because they are liable to honestly but mistakenly engage in extreme actions that they view as protective. It doesn't in any way negate their humanity, but caution is advisable.
Anyway, if you find my approach distasteful, Medium provides you with the tools you need to never again be bothered by me trying to help explain others' perspectives, promote well-grounded arguments, correct factually incorrect or likely misleading information, or to try to find ways to embrace our common humanity instead of demonizing and dehumanizing. Go to my profile, click on the three dots on the right of my name, and there's an option to block me. I imagine you already know, but in the off chance you don't, you (and everyone else) should be empowered to use the tools Medium provides to help improve your experience. Then I can't read anything you write, and you can't read anything of mine (unless you again avail yourself of "your brothers numerous identities").
[Note: after I wrote this, Stephanie Magister did in fact avail herself of the blocking option. Hopefully she will be happier this way.]