Well, if they've spraypainted "intifada" in red a half dozen times on a wall, and have a sign saying "glory to the martyrs", and also one saying "ceasefire now", it is a little hard to take the protestors seriously, wouldn't you say?
I don't know what media you're consuming. The mainstream stuff seems pretty bland. It's not painting protestors as foaming at the mouth terrorist radicals, or as brilliant and empathic seekers of peace. Some coverage is pretty inane, and others is a little more insightful, but I don't see coverage of the sort you're specifying in centrist media at all.
Care to provide some examples? Direct quote, from centrist media, declaring that students are "terrorists" simply for calling for a ceasefire?
Or, if you don't need to have the center to be "many", maybe you can specify who you're talking about explicitly instead of leaving it as a vague, dangerous, propagandic "many"? Let's all rally with outrage against the unseen foe who dehumanizes us!
I do see outrageous extremes on social media, but that's got a largely disjoint set of pressures than does the "mass media". It's as if someone gets eaten by a bear, and you use it to justify a negative and fearful attitude towards dogs.