Well of course, because epistemology is about how you end up with conscious knowledge of something.
But the regularities are still there, a consequence of the particular properties and configurations of matter involved, whether or not anyone notices or has ever noticed.
Since lots of phenomena seem to have been actualized for the entire history of the universe without them ever entering subjective consciousness, the simplest hypothesis is that: it just works that way.
You can come up with more elaborate hypotheses, like everything happens in infinite branching possibilities, but Thoth, the guardian of knowledge, guides the streams of our consciousness down the ones that make sense. Or you can pick some of the arguments favored by the Greeks or Islamic scholars or whatever. There's no limit to the amount of evidence-free clutter you can layer on top of this basic observation.
But if you just take the basic observation itself, and ask: is there any reason why consciousness could not just be a regularity of mechanism, like these other things, the answer is: none that we've found. Thus far, it looks highly consistent with it just being another mechanism.