What are you reading, anyway?! Right now, https://www.cnn.com/world has as its top middle east story https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/04/middleeast/israel-largest-west-bank-land-seizure-three-decades-intl/index.html which quotes Smotrich saying his usual vitriolic stuff, reports on what PeaceNow said, didn't wait for a response from the Israeli government, and ends with referencing condemnation of the previous land seizure story.
How do you spin that as "Israel talking points"?! I don't endorse settlements of this sort, but this is exactly the sort of thing that Israel prefers people to not talk about.
And this seems pretty much par for the course.
I think your premise is badly wrong: the Israel-critical perspective, even to the point of unfairness, gets lots of media play these days. (It doesn't get all the play; you hear highly Israel-favorable stuff too.)