What happened to you was terrible and tragic and a horrid condemnation of part of our society. But the above is flat-out stereotyping and demonization--exactly the sort of stuff that is a precursor to human rights abuses.
This is exactly the same impulse that was behind Trump's Muslim ban: they destroyed the WTC, they murdered us; they're bad, volatile time bombs, keep them out.
And can you imagine how JK Rowling ought to feel, using your approach, about transgender people and trans advocates?
I hope you have found or will find an escape from the abuse. I hope you find space to heal. There is a dark side to profit-centered media's embrace of extreme views, and I'm very sorry you ended up on the wrong end of it.
But you're pulling strongly in the wrong direction now. Rather than identifying the specific radicalizing elements of society that need to be tackled, and the social conditions that breed the willingness to engage in these sorts of hateful (if, this time, thankfully vacuous) threats, you've latched onto a single easily-discernible commonality and are now using indiscriminate hateful language against members of that broad group.
You may not have intended to gaze into the abyss, but you still should mind Nietzsche's advice.