Who is a better expert on what I've done than me myself? If you notice something--by all means, point it out. Otherwise, I would think that one ought to assume that I am the expert on myself. As you are on you.
Now, I readily admit that I oppose excesses. I have no way to determine excess save through my perception--considered, careful, well-informed perception, but it is mine nonetheless. But the reason has nothing to do with wanting to appear any particular way. Rather, excess begets error, misunderstanding, vilification, and demonization--all things that make people's lives worse. Unchecked, this has resulted in the most ghastly episodes in human history. I fully accept the charge that I want to do what I can to avoid that.
It is somewhat understandable if you elect to be part of the problem, given the caustic lies about trans people told by much of the American right-wing for their own political gain and tribal bonding. Of course the reflexive response if you feel on the attacked side is to bond more tightly to your side and attack back.
Reflexes don't always lead to a better outcome. Sneezing while driving can get you killed--far worse than the little bit of nasal irritation if you didn't sneeze. We didn't evolve with cars, though, so our sneezes don't know any better. Nor did we evolve with large democracies.
Understandable though your stance may be, it does not absolve you of culpability for making it harder for your society as a whole to understand trans people as people. You can capitalize VICTIM if you like, but it is still your duty, as it is of all of us, to be a responsible member of society.
So, yes, if I see excesses, I will comment. I will quote the IPCC AR6 to climate change deniers and climate doomers alike: fighting about falsehoods is not a reliable path to the future. Same thing for social issues, for LLMs, for anything else.
None of it is posturing. There is no "look like". I don't care what I look like, except inasmuch as being a good role model may accomplish something. It all is to try to accomplish something.
Are you trying to accomplish something, or are you posturing?