Why are you weakening support for women's issues by constantly going after anyone who wants to be included but happens to be male?
You managed to cite only one source (partially, and also wrongly--it was not Oxfam's statistics) and of them getting the number so wrong that it had to be debunked.
If you intend to do anything but promote vicious polarization that, in practice, leads to travesties like the loss of nationwide reproductive rights in the U.S., you need to (1) care about whether things are true or false, (2) welcome rather than antagonize supporters, and (3) have some ideas about actual actionable policies or attitudes and talk about those.
Otherwise, your comments are just a charade. Actions speak louder than words, they say, and your actions demonstrate that you value stoking strife and/or indulging your anger, but place less value if any at all on understanding the condition of women globally or improving the well-being of women anywhere.