Why do you think the genetics and genomics research on human genetic diversity conducted by biologists (human geneticists) and funded primarily through national governments (particularly the NIH and the U.K. through the Sanger Center) should be attributed to Critical Race Theory?
Can you give an example of Critical Race Theory subjecting its theory of intersectionality to tests of falsification a la Popper? For instance, how much reduction of variance in some measurable quantity do you get if you classify people intersectionally rather than with single groups, and how great of a variance reduction is it compared to the individual variance remaining (that is--is there even any point)?
Given that Delgado and Stefancic explicitly adopt Critical Theory's questioning of "Enlightenment rationalism", what is your basis for thinking that Popper's critical rationalism (aside from a commonality of name--Popper was not a Critical Theorist) is a fundamental part of CRT?
If critics argue something, they deserve a response, not a complete non-sequitur, by (1) substituting something that does not have the property ascribed to CRT into a sentence about CRT, and (2) describing a supposed victory that has nothing to do with the criticism.
You are taking "theory" way too seriously. Have you read anything by Bell, Delgado, Crenshaw, etc.? They are generally quite thoughtful in their presentation of arguments consistent with the legal tradition, as expected given their training in the law, but they are not by a long stretch scientific.
(Number Theory is also mis-named. It is not a scientific theory a la Popper. It is mathematics: axioms and those things derivable from those axioms, plus some conjectures that people are still trying to prove. There's nothing falsifiable in the scientific sense. You can get counterexamples, but unlike with scientific evidence those come without any uncertainty whatsoever, except for lingering doubts that you mucked up your proof.)