Yeah, that sounds super snarky. I'm not even sure how to answer it because given that you ask, I can't even figure out what you think counts.
It's like asking, "What have cats, as a group, done that is good for people?"
If you can't think of a bunch of examples without even trying, something is probably very weird about how you're conceiving of the question.
Men have been protecting women since forever, which is very important for the advancement of women in the sense that having to be overly cautious and fearful prevents advancement.
Machines to automate household chores were primarily invented (and built) by men at a time when "a woman's place was in the home" according to society. This freed women up to advance themselves in other ways.
In the United States, men as a group support abortion rights at rates very close to women (and it's well over half).
And so forth and so on. Throw a rock at almost any issue these days, in almost any economically affluent Westernized country, and you hit a case of men wanting what's good for women and doing things that help their advancement. (Same thing with roles reversed: in most cases, women try to help men, too.) People supporting each other is the norm. The outliers are when they don't. (Those outliers can be important! Most people aren't muggers, but that doesn't mean that mugging is of no concern!)