Yes, and to place them in the context of the Hebron massacre (also not the only one), the overall rhetoric from both sides, and so on.
People like Ben Gurion or Haj Amin al-Husseini can want whatever they want, and say so. But the key question is: what are the actions following from those ideas?
Will anyone de-escalate instead of escalating until they either win or are defeated? Will anyone restrict themselves to peaceful means alone to achieve their desires, or will they resort to violence when things start going against their wishes? Will anyone think of how to move forward to effectively build good lives for everyone, or will they think only of vengeance for past grievances?
The score on both sides is rather abysmal, which means that when one selectively presents information (especially if one makes exaggerated summaries, mindreads intent, and overgeneralizes), one can make either side look quite monstrous and leave it to inference that we should be on the other side.