Yes, but "calling someone out" is not at all like "blocking them from social media".
One is an expression of disapproval. The other is inflicting a sanction--a pretty serious one, given modern lifestyles.
It might, "Paradox of Tolerance"-style, be the case that despite best efforts at a delivering a broad-ranging largely-impartial (save for basic humanism, without which it's very difficult to build a society with the kind of diversity one finds in the U.S.) education, people insist on narrow-mindedly believing harmful, oppressive, and counterfactual things and are driven to act accordingly and it would be necessary to act to stop them.
However, given human nature, at this point it seems far far more likely that both the right and the left will be driven to believe harmful, oppressive, and counterfactual things.
So the enemy at this stage of the game appears to be tribalism, and if neither side can beat that enemy, and no other side can take hold, then tolerance will be lost through mutual accord.