Yes, I agree. I don't think the concept I'm trying to convey is that difficult, but you haven't really said anything that lets me tell whether you understand it--especially the point that I think you are saying things that are unfairly (but unintentionally) demeaning to LGBTQ+ people, and with a little more care taken with the concepts, this problem would naturally go away.
And you are picking out inferences that I did not intend. I used narcissism as an unrelated psychological phenomenon in order to illustrate a point. It's not intended as a commentary on whether expressing feelings is pathologically self-centered. I can manage ordinary-level care in not leaving unintentional negative inferences lying about, but in this case I think I'm unlikely to be able to rise to the level needed to have a successful conversation.
So I'd better leave things where they stand.
(Oh, P.S.--you probably meant "unfalsifiable" not "infallible".)