You don't think this is new, do you?
They've been trying every trick they can think of for sixty-four years to not have to teach evolution and to be able to teach creationism instead. "Evolution is just another religion!" No, it's extremely well-verified science. "Teach different theories!" Fine, but only evolutionary theories are supported by evidence--not creationism. "Intelligent design isn't creationism!" Yes it is, and it's also incorrect. "But, but, irreducible complexity!" Do you know we have tons of evidence for the molecular equivalent of scaffolding? You do know how scaffolding works, right? "But, but, but!!!"
It's insane.
To the extent that history is under attack now more than before, I think it's largely just because they forgot about history until they were reminded.
With the fight over CRT--which mostly wasn't about history initially but contemporary ethnic studies and adding social messages into things like math assignments!--when the left started screaming that the right didn't want to teach history (with a dash of deciding that the 1619 project was the history of the country not a slice through the history of the country from a particular, important, neglected perspective), it seems like some places like Texas suddenly woke up.
"Hey, wait--they're right! We could teach 'history' however we want! We were a country of benevolent masters and happy servants who were freed from the barbarism of primitive Africa until a vicious and unjust war from the north changed everything but our heroes conducted themselves with great virtue in service of freedom for our noble states and anyway now America is great and everything is great!" Oh, please, don't. Just teach history.
Anyway, lack of truth in schooling is absolutely not new. Maybe it would have been better to leave history well enough alone rather than bring it into the spotlight. In a lot of places, the content of history textbooks was shameful before. But given the furor over creationism, we have to expect a long fight on this one, and it could get worse, not better.
The left really has to be more careful about what they claim the right is doing that is awful. The right just might notice and go, "Hey! We're not doing that! But...actually, why weren't we??? It's a great idea!"