You have got to be joking.
The right has had a war on truth forever. The political right in the United States has turned it into a form of high art: confident statement of falsehoods, raising dozens of wrong ideas and then concluding "who can know?" (answer: anyone who isn't going out of their way to raise wrong ideas, that's who!!), rampant fearmongering and exaggeration, etc.. The U.S. isn't the only place where this is in evidence, but it's very clear here.
The war on truth has been a disease of the right for decades.
Unfortunately, the left caught the disease too.
(Those of illiberal leaning on either side have always been in an uncomfortable relationship to truth, because it is easier to get people to do what you think they should if you can make stuff up and they accept that, or at least don't fight you when what you make up is wrong.)